Custom Short Courses at MSU


Are you interested in hosting a study abroad program at Michigan State University? If you need assistance with logistics, planning, cultural activities, and more, the American Semester Program might a great partner for your department. Programs are typically 2-5 weeks in length and cover various topics ranging from law, accounting, digital media and more.  

The American Semester Program can provide the following services:

  • Packaged orientation program
  • Program logistics
    • Socio-cultural activities and excursions
    • Arrival and departure assistance
    • Housing, either on- or off-campus
    • Transportation for activities, excursions, and academic needs
  • Welcome and Graduation ceremonies as requested by the department
  • On-call Support
    • Coordinator on-call 24/7 during program
    • Fielding questions from students about the program, culture, diversity, and other opportunities they are interested in
    • Ensuring the general well-being of the students
  • MSU Student Ambassador Program (Click here to learn more about our Ambassadors!)
  • Recruiting efforts during travel or to strategic partners, if requested by the department

**All services are subject to budgetary and programmatic limitations and are provided on a case-by-case basis.**

Steps to submitting a Custom Program Proposal:

  1. Research current American Semester Program Short Course Program offerings.
  2. If you do not find your proposed topic already offered by ASP, you can inquire about a Custom Program.
  3. Develop a draft budget for your program.
    • A blank budget template can be found here.
    • For reference, a generic budget can be found here.
  4. Complete and submit the American Semester Program Custom Program form.

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