International Studies & Programs

Study in Spain enriches world view

Rather than being solely focused on heavy workloads, the emphasis here is on collaboration and taking the time to truly understand the material.

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Published: Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 Author: Sam Dunham

Sam standing in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris at nightStudying abroad in Barcelona has been an incredibly transformative experience that has far exceeded my expectations. Even before coming to college, I knew I wanted to study abroad, and Barcelona has been the perfect place for me to learn and grow.

Being in Barcelona has exposed me to many new challenges and ways to grow, from navigating language barriers to adopting a completely different way of life. Each challenge has pushed me out of my comfort zone. Being able to immerse myself in a new culture, face unfamiliar situations, and develop problem-solving skills has allowed me to grow in many ways.

The structure of schooling in Spain differs significantly from the United States. Rather than being solely focused on heavy workloads, the emphasis here is on collaboration and taking the time to truly understand the material. This approach has allowed me to deepen my understanding of the business world and see the marketing world from a European standpoint. In just one semester, I've absorbed more valuable information than in every previous semester. Beyond academics, the opportunity to collaborate with and build connections with people from around the world has enriched my worldview.

Looking back on these past three months, I can confidently say that studying abroad in Barcelona has been a life-changing experience. The memories and lessons learned during this time will stay with me forever. To anyone considering studying abroad, I encourage you to take the leap because you never know what it may lead to.

Name: Sam Dunham
Status: Junior
Major: Marketing
Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio
Program: Pompeu Fabra University, Business Studies in Spain